
Poem: ‘ALONG THE WAY’ by Sharon Auberle

Editor’s Note:  In honor of Door County’s rich literary and photography communities, the editorial staff at Door County Living decided to highlight both in this issue’s literature section. Following is a poem written by Door County Poet Laureate Sharon Auberle, inspired by a springtime image captured by our photography director Len Villano.

Photo by Len Villano.


With beauty before me, I walk.

With beauty behind me, I walk.

With beauty above me, I walk.

With beauty all around me, I walk.

    ~  Navajo Blessingway Ceremony


Amid the rubble and blossom

of our lives, we strive to find

a path, that ever-elusive road

that will show us the way.


Some days the path is clear

other days we struggle along,

potholes, detours, mudslides —

and then comes a day


when we find, for a little while,

a way.  A place.  A moment or two.

You can walk freely here,

leave behind what needs to be.


A friend beside you, or not – either

is fine, for there are trees touching you,

and skies the hue of the Virgin’s cloak

in crumbling old paintings and prayer books.


Or it’s a soft day, as the Irish say,

muted colors, air that caresses, kisses

your face like an old lover long forgotten.

Or the way you once loved yourself.


Sharon Auberle is the author of seven books, four of which are collaborations with other poets. Most recent is Dovetail, art and ekphrastic poetry with Jeanie Tomasko. A Pushcart Prize Nominee, Auberle is currently honored to be serving as Door County’s Poet Laureate.

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