
The Norwegian Farmer

On July 10 at 6 pm, Door County Historical Society’s board president, George Evenson, will present a special program titled “Farming at the Turn of the 20th Century.” A noted local historian, Evenson will share the story of his family’s Norwegian history and their farm life on the peninsula. The presentation will be held in the Vignes School at the Heritage Village at Big Creek.

Evenson’s Door County roots are buried deep in its soil. “My grandparents came directly to Door County when they immigrated and started farming south of Sturgeon Bay. I was born in 1929, and my parents, Selma and Loris, settled in Sevastopol; they bought their farm that same year. Within months, the Great Depression struck the United States,” he recalled, “and we all know what happened. Those were really hard times for everyone. But somehow the family made it.”

Evenson has lived on the family homestead since birth. He married his high school sweetheart, Margaret Ehlers, and raised four children who gave them 11 grandchildren and 17 great-grandchildren.

The Heritage Village at Big Creek, open daily from 1:30 – 3:30 pm, is located at 2041 Michigan Street, at the intersection of Highway 42/57 and County Highway TT in Sturgeon Bay. For more information visit, contact Dan Olson at 920.421.2332, or find them on Facebook. Admission to the Village is free, but as this is a donor-sponsored facility, donations are greatly appreciated and welcomed. Group tours are welcome by reservation for a nominal fee.