
Door County Librarian Profile

Library: Sister Bay/Liberty Grove Branch

Favorite section of the library: I guess I’d have to say the Adult Fiction area. Although I do read some nonfiction, usually on nature or history, my first love is the British whodunit.

Favorite author: I’m sorry, but I can’t be pinned down to one favorite. I will drop anything else to read a new book by Christopher Fowler, Peter Robinson, Ian Rankin or John Harvey.

Book every patron should read: Two titles come to mind. They are Journeys in Green Places by Virginia Eifert, which is a classic on nature in Door County, and A New Kind of Country by Dorothy Gilman. That small book is a very powerful and moving account of the author’s search for what is meaningful in life.

Favorite customer question: “Gee, how old is this building? It still smells new!” (We’ve been in our ‘new’ building for nine years.)

Favorite part of working at the library: I very much enjoy materials selection, but the interaction with our customers is the most fun and rewarding part of my job.

Library service that many people are unaware of: If someone is unable to get to the library, we have volunteers who will home deliver items. We also have a large collection of jigsaw puzzles that customers can take home to put together.

Interests outside the library: I like gardening and listening to classical music – and reading, of course!